The beloved Easter Bunny, or EB as he is known to his friends and loyal fans, has given Eugene Taylor’s The Rhythm of Life CD five carrots! When asked why he gave Taylor’s music such a high rating, he said,
“Most of the stuff I’m hearing these days sounds the same. Taylor’s CD made me want to hop like I used to. It brought out the hopeful bunny in me. Yes, even the Easter Bunny gets in a rut sometimes, listening to all the awful news on TV and hearing the same old mind-numbing rump a thump-thumping banter that gets the vast majority of airplay. I just can’t stop listening to Eugene Taylor’s music. The guy is brilliant! His musical partner, what’s his name, is OK too.”
When asked about a favorite track on The Rhythm of Life album, he said,
“I have two favorite tracks. The Rhythm of Life because of it’s great groove and Tears because I like bears. Although I like them better with eyes. You just have to listen to it if you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
We asked EB if he purchased the digital copy of the album or the actual CD.
“I downloaded the digital album off Amazon. Here’s the link. People should get it and support Taylor. I think the music is outstanding. It’s fresh, good for hopping and good for hoping. Listen to it while munching on a good carrot.”