
I loved the cd and having given it away, ordered two more!

You transported my father down to surgery late one December night in 2014, lighting our way with a medley of Christmas carols. In the dark basement you began “Silent Night”, and my father joined in. He could barely remember anything (at 94), but he sang every word with you! It was one of the most moving experiences of my life. My father passed that next March; I will always treasure that moment. Music was life’s greatest treat to Daddy. He learned to play the organ as an adult; together he and I would sing Broadway musicals as he played. He also was a graceful dancer — just full of music!

Your voice is so beautiful; you bring so much joy and comfort to people who really need it. I always wanted to thank you, as my dad had a different “driver” on the way back up. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and for recording your beautiful music!

Alice Ragland